Monday, August 29, 2016

Rancher’s widow to sue FBI, Oregon police over standoff death

, USATODAY10:02 p.m. EDT August 28, 2016
(Photo: Rick Bowmer, Rick Bowmer / AP file)
The widow of Robert “Lavoy” Finicum, the Arizona rancher killed last January during a standoff at an Oregon wildlife refuge, plans to sue the Oregon State Police and FBI agents involved in the shooting, her attorney said this weekend.

Finicum, 54, was the de facto spokesman for a group of anti-government protesters who occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge for several weeks last winter in support of local ranchersDwight and Steve Hammond, who were convicted of setting fire to federal land.
Brian Claypool, an attorney for Jeanette Finicum, said he plans to sue both the state police and two individual FBI agents over the shooting on a remote stretch of Highway 395 north of Burns, Ore., The Oregonian reported Friday.
Claypool, who is also representing standoff leader Ryan Bundy in an ongoing criminal case over the refuge takeover, said he decided to file the lawsuit because new evidence had emerged in the case, including shell casings that he said prove two FBI agents lied during an investigation.
Finicum was traveling with several others from the standoff on Jan. 27, en route to a community meeting 100 miles north of the refuge, when the shooting took place. Police had allowed the occupiers to travel between the refuge and Burns, but that day, state police and FBI agents tried to pull over Finicum’s truck and an accompanying vehicle.
Finicum nearly ran over an FBI agent before stalling in a roadside snowbank as he tried to get around a roadblock. After he got out of the truck, he repeatedly ignored police orders to get on the ground, according to cell phone video shot by one of the truck’s occupants. An investigation found that two state troopers fired at Finicum when he reached for a pistol inside his jacket.
Finicum died at the scene and several of the protesters surrendered afterwards. The standoff ended 15 days later.
Authorities have said Finicum's shooting was justified, but five unnamed FBI agents have since come under investigation after one of them allegedly lied about firing twice at Finicum, The Oregonian reported. The others were accused of helping cover it up.
Finicum's family said in a statement after the shooting that he was "executed in cold blood."


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